DA Smith is proud to have sponsored the Colorado School of Mines Mining Competition Team competing in the international 2023 45th Annual Mining Games hosted by the Western Australia School of Mines located in Kalgoorlie, Australia. The teams competed in seven events and their combined scores provided overall team rankings. The Colorado School of Mines had two competing teams, and both had stellar performances.
The Coed Team placed 1st Overall in their division after winning first or second place in each individual event.
The Men's Team placed 3rd Overall in their division and won first place in the Muck and Track Stand events.
In addition to competing, the students were able to attend an underground mine tour at Mt. Charlotte, a mill tour at the Fimiston Pit, and a guided drive through the Lynas Rare Earths processing facility. Kalgoorlie is a mining hub and provided many insightful experiences for the team.
All the team's income is generated through fundraising.